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Dylan Furst, much like Andreas Wonisch, uses social media to share his images. He uses Instagram, where he regularly posts his atmospheric, high quality images for his c.425,000 followers to see. I really like his images because of the atmosphere and composition. His editing techniques are contemporary and suit his style of photo very well. Often he takes images of misty landscapes, with the odd animal or subject in the foreground. The image above is one of my favourites, and perhaps one of his most simple. The composition is quite symmetrical, with the road running through the centre. The image flows very well, with the atmosphere dispersing gently from the soft sunlight up above. Furst has lightened the shadows in the image and tinted the shadows green; an example of the contemporary editing techniques. There is a large depth of field too, which helps show how deep the image goes into the distance. As you see further into the distance, the saturation also decreases, which is a subtle encouragement of atmospheric perspective.

Dylan Furst - Artist Study

Dylan Furst

Images ©Dylan Furst

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