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William Patino - Artist Study

William Patino

William Patino is a landscape photographer who quickly developed an interest in photography and now produces visually stunning photos and his clients include Apple, Samsung, and Tourism Australia. He lives in Wollolong, Australia, where he can capture amazing skies and sunsets next to the sea.


This breathtaking photo incorporates long exposures, lightning and interestingly lit skies in one photo. The lightning creates an amazing focus for the image, almost exploding out of the clouds, and the water below appears misty and smoke-like. The chances of me finding lightning and photographing it are very low, however the photo is changed dramatically as a result of the lightning, which is what I want to aim to do: find locations and capture photos that would be dull if it weren't for the lighting/environment.

The photo above, to the left, is another well-lit image. The long exposure causes a wonderful smoothness in the water, and here the blue in the water contrasts to the warm sky. The clouds have dark shadows behind them, which gives depth and interest in the sky. The rule of thirds is also applied here; the horizon being roughly 2/3 of the way up.

The starburst in this image is very prominent, taken at a high aperture and long exposure. I also really like the blurred movement in the waves, giving energy and making the waves look as if they are moving. The starburst juxtaposed against the dark rock brings out the burst of light to its maximum, and the obtrusiveness of the rocks is elaborated by their reflections captured in the wet sand.

Here, the colours in the sky are very interesting, with a warm glow coming from the horizon. The sun is hidden by one of the rocks, which is almost as if to tell the reader to concentrate on the wonderful colours, as normally the sun would get all the attention in this type of image. The water is also very fascinating; its smoothness towards the foreground seems to die away into the background, where it is more reflective and still.

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